Colours: Blue
Associated Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Zodiac: Gemini, Pisces
Element: Water, Air
Common Origin: Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Burma, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, and the USA
Sterling Silver Plated
Aligns all of the Chakras (without conscious thought)
Restores energy balance in all Chakras
Excellent aid to meditation
Restores energy balance
Builds a telepathic bridge between two people
Creates a bridge to connect to higher dimensions
Place one on the forehead to trigger inner-visions
Place one on the throat to trigger inner-truth
It creates an energetic shield around the Aura
Protects the wearer from negative energy during Astral Travel
Will assist in the elevation of ones consciousness
It’s high vibrations raises the vibrations of the wearer (Be careful, the wearer must have a similar vibration)
Assists in self-healing and dream re-call
Opens Third-Eye Chakra
Promotes Telepathy
Helps develop psychic power specific to one
Helps develop intuition
Helps ground spiritual energy
Out of stock
Colours: Blue
Associated Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Zodiac: Gemini, Pisces
Element: Water, Air
Common Origin: Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Burma, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, and the USA